Looking throw the window

Es la primera ves que participo en este concurso :) pero me gustó la idea de inspirarse por medio de una foto, así que aquí esta el resultado de mi inspiración! cuando vi la foto pense en la ventana abierta con la torta, pero como quedaba muy vacía la tarjeta le agregué esta pareja de ratoncitos como si estubieran mirando por la ventana :D (si fuera esos ratoncitos me comería esa torta de un bocado!! jaja)

This is the first time I have ever participe of this challenge :) but I like the idea of inspire with a photo, so here is the product of my inspiration! when I saw the photo I think of the window open with the cake, but the card it look really empty so I added this couple of mouses like if they are looking throw the window :D (if I were those mouses I would have eaten that cake since a long time lol)

  1. I am so glad you joined us! Your card is SOOOO cute! What a great way to be inspired by the photo! You amaze me!
    Hugs from Morocco!

  2. So darn cute, I love the window.

  3. Lovely card, really cute! Jo x


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