En este post quise juntar todas las tarjetas de Navidad que he hecho hasta la fecha (que todavía tengo porque varias regale) Así que acá tienen un poco de todo desde super faciles hasta más complejas, solo haganle click a la tarjeta que quieren ver y los va enviar al post principal! genial, no?
In this post I wanted to put all the Christmas cards I had made during this years (the ones that I already have ...) So here you have from super easy to more difficult ones... Just click the one you like and it will take to the main post!
In this post I wanted to put all the Christmas cards I had made during this years (the ones that I already have ...) So here you have from super easy to more difficult ones... Just click the one you like and it will take to the main post!

Espero que les de algo de inspiración ver tantas tarjetas (:
I hope you get inspire by seeing so many cards (:
I hope you get inspire by seeing so many cards (:
Love, Agus
Hi Agus, reading your blog for a while, just wanted to say- You are so talented (and young) wow!