
Lampara China Decorada/ Decorated Chinese Lamp

Después de tres semanas llenas de parciales, tengo dos dias para seguir con una semana llena de finales.... Pero bueno por lo menos tengo un tiempito para mostrarle como decoré mi lampara china! 
After three weeks full of exams, I have two days for next week full of exams too lol... but luckly I have some time right now to show my decorated Chinese Lamp!
Hace poco compramos varias lamparas chinas para el departamento como que el foquito no quede feo colgando, y  la verdad que se ven super lindas! Y cuando vi el tutorial de Marieta supe que una de las lampara iba a ser mi victima!
A few month ago with bought some chinese lamps for the apartment, so when I saw Marieta's tutorial on how to decorate your lamp I knew who was going to be my victim of this crafty crime!
 Las flores las recorté de unas servilletas y con paciencia china porque tenian muchos detalles jaja, y despues con cola las pegué a la lampara . Después cuando ya estaba seco con acrílico muy aguado le hice como unos cuadrados de colores
The flowers are from napkins that I cut with a lot of patience! lol and them I added to the lamp with glue. When everything was dry I painted with acrilyc paint and water making some color squares
 Abajo le puse unas cintas de colores y unos mini pompones que enseñé a hacer acá. Y también le hice como una guardita con acrílico
On the button I added some ribbons and some mini pompom (tutorial here)

Espero les haya gustado y se animen a hacerlo (:
I hope you like it!

PS: You can share yours in my facebook page!
  1. Es muy bellaaaaa, que genial idea! Seguro quedará muy linda en tu departamento! :)

  2. Preciosa Agus!!!, es decoupage sobre papel?, muy delicada quedo!!! Me encanta!!
    Un beso grande!!!

  3. Hi

    Just love them.

    I'm a new follower through GFC.

  4. These are beautiful! what a great idea for an outdoor party! :)

  5. you're blog so inspiring !! i love the post, wanna following each other? follow me if you want and i'll follow back
    Btw please vote me for laneige ambassador from indonesia and join my giveaway maybe you're the lucky one


  6. woow the lamp is so great! never thought of doing something like that
    great job!!


  7. This is amazing! :) Such a cute lampshade
    emmerliejay x

  8. So very pretty! Thanx for coming to party at my place.

  9. Very clever use of napkins! Have some rice paper napkins that would be perfect for this purpose. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Encontré tu blog en Poppytalk y me encantó el post.También adoro los diy, el decoupage, las cintitas...Asi que me quedo a seguirte

  11. Genial!!! Te han colocado en el blog de Poppytalk!! :D Muchas felicidadesssss!!! ;)

  12. This are so pretty. You did a wonderful job. We are featuring this post that this weeks party. Thank you so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Link Party. We can't wait to see what you have to share with us this week.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly

  13. Your stuff are more than wow! And also the best way to make understand the things mentioned in it paper lamp shade idea is awesome.http://shredderselect.com/best-cross-cut-shredder/


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